
Payment Paranoia or Why I don’t accept cashier’s checks

By Elenid Hansen The first time someone contacted me through my company website I was elated. The site had been up for about a month and, other than the usual spam, I had yet to receive any offers of work. When the email from “Paul Smith” arrived requesting a quote I was ready. It seemed odd to me that the files I received to translate were huge and at three weeks the turn-around time was pretty quick, yet I remained optimistic. I knew I could do it if I started immediately, but it would cost quite a bit. So, I sent...

Original Translation Solutions - Clear communication of your important information

Original Translation Solutions – Clear communication of your important information

Original Translation Solutions provides high-quality translations from Spanish into English, English to Spanish and French to English. Our strict adherence to stylistic guidelines while meeting rigid deadlines, ensures clear communication for you. Use of translation memory and termbase technology during translation help create a seamless target text. Translation into a variety of fields is available with specialties in education, history, logistics, inventory management and international trade. We also provide proofreading and editing services. We work with Latin American authors translating Spanish literary texts into English for publication in the United States. We maintain strict confidentiality of clients and translated materials....